Inspired by the great Slipknot, We got together with our friends at Peak Divide to record 2 Kegs and a 55 Gallon Drum being struck by a number of things from light sticks and mallets to chains and baseball bats. Some nasty and imperfect samples arranged into Kontakt and Decent Sampler.
Included in Full Keg are the following
C1 Stick Rim
C#1 Stick Side
D1 Rubber Mallet Side
D#1 Drum Stick Rim
E1 Drum Stick Side
F1 Timpani Mallet Side
F#1 Rubber Hammer Side
G1 Bat Side
G#1 Chain
A1 Stick Rim
A#1 Stick Side
B1 Rubber Mallet Side
C2 Drum Stick Rim
C#2 Drum Stick Side
D2 Timpani Mallet Side
D#2 Rubber Hammer Side
E2 Bat Side
F2 Bat Rim
F#2 Chain
G2 Brush Top
G#2 Brush Rim
A2 Brush Side
A#2 Stick Top
B2 Stick Rim
C3 Stick Side
C#3 Rubber Mallet Top
D3 Rubber Mallet Side
D#3 Drum Stick Top
E3 Drum Stick Rimstop
F3 Drum Stick Rim
F#3 Drum Stick Side
G3 Timpani Mallet Top
G#3 Timpani Mallet Side
A3 Rubber Hammer Top
A#3 Rubber Hammer Side
B3 Bat Top
C4 Bat Side
C#4 Bat Rim
D4 Chain
Full Keg
The Kontakt Version Requires The FULL License For Kontakt, However the Decent Sampler version is free to use, as Decent Sampler is Free
NOTE: Because our current web host has made it impossible to offer this product as a direct download, Buyers will recieve download information upon purchase. If for any reason you are having issues with your download, Please contact us.
Please note that due to the irrevocable nature of digital goods, we cannot issue refunds.